“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” – Fred Rogers
Growing up, I loved to play. I loved to get my hands dirty and explore what red and blue paint created or what happened when I mixed flour and water together. I loved diving my hands into the mess and feeling it squish between my fingers, discovering how different textures felt. Think back to when you were younger and about all those times you did exactly the same. You created, you explored, you experienced, you experimented, and most importantly, you learned. Every child should have the ability to learn through play. I firmly believe children are not meant to sit and listen to a teacher lecturing to them, but to actively do. Through my years in the classroom setting I have witnessed that children really do learn best through this exploration and discovery.
Inclusivity and cultural awareness is another important part of my classroom. I believe in the teaching, knowledge, and acceptance of different cultures and abilities. I believe in discussing the varying attributes of individuals, presenting opportunities, and implementing objects and decorations in a respectful and representative way so children learn about diversity and inclusion. In addition to the classroom teachings, I also encourage parents to become involved in the classroom setting through monthly newsletters, parent-teacher meetings, and special family-based activities. Through art, children can learn every aspect of their necessarily development. You will see throughout the classroom children’s artwork, photos of our learning adventures, and child-directed activities. I am the teacher, but more importantly, I am an assistant to your child’s imagination.